B: Instructional Methods
I have been teaching for over 25 years and my instructional method has grown and changed over the years. My instructional method to date has developed into a learner-focused culture type. Meaning, I gain respect from students through my high energy level, outgoing personality, non-authoritative mannerism, and a highly organized process for teaching. My instructional method also includes an open knowledge system. Meaning, nothing is hidden from students. All my students know exactly what is happening in every single class session. All homework, labs, papers, deadlines are clearly posted in three locations: my syllabi, in the LMS for each assignment item, and on the calendar. In addition, students know exactly where they stand at all times in my classes as related to their grades, because I make use of the grade book system and grading comments section. Students never have to ask me to ask for a missing paper, handout, or lecture because all class materials are posted online. In all of my courses, I have clear syllabus policies in place related to objectives, deadlines, late points, attendance, courtesy, and student contribution and communication. Finally, in each class I make use of a variety of instructional methods depending on the task/lab/assignment at hand. Examples of these areas may include: lecture based, facilitated based, repetitive based, simulated/problem based, and/or service learning based instructional methods. In addition, in several of my courses, I also utilize audio-based recorded lectures especially if the course is online or hybrid.