Conference Presentations:
Stevens, Cindy. (5th International Conference on Innovative Research in Education in Amsterdam, Netherlands). Digital Self-Identity Part B: Five Additional Skills Needed for 2025 and Beyond. Conference Presentation, November 2022.
Stevens, Cindy, and Reynolds Candyce (AAEEBL Conference). Writing and Publishing about ePortfolios: Opportunities and Possibilities Ignite Session. Conference Presentation, July 2022.
Stevens, Cindy (AAEEBL World Summit). Digital Self-Identity: Reflection of Top 10 Skills Needed for 2025 and Beyond. Conference Presentation, July 2022. (Invite to present again at an ignite session).
Stevens, Cindy (AAEEBL World Summit). Digital Self-Identity: Reflection of Top 10 Skills Needed for 2025 and Beyond. Conference Presentation, July 2021.
Stevens, Cindy (AAEEBL World Summit). The AAEEBL Portfolio Review: A different Path to Publishing. Presentation. AAEEBL's Digital Conference, July 2020.
Stevens, Cindy (AAEEBL World Summit). Paper Presentation: Institutional ePortfolio Implementation: A showcase of Program Transformation, Bronx, NYC, July 2019.
Stevens, Cindy (AAEEBL World Summit). Poster Presentation: Institutional ePortfolio Implementation: A showcase of Program Transformation, Bronx, NYC, July 2019.
Stevens, Cindy (AAEEBL Conference). AePR: Showcasing Our Authoring and Mentorship Process (Workshop Session), Bronx, NYC, July 2019.
Stevens, Cindy (AAEEBL Conference). AePR: Showcasing Our Authoring and Mentorship Process (Poster Session), Bronx, NYC, July 2019.
Stevens, Cindy (Centre for Recording Achievement (UK) at Dublin City University AAEEBL/CRA International Seminar ePortfolios & More). Presentation: The Developing Role of ePortfolios within the Digital Landscape: “AePR’s Future Direction. Dublin”, Ireland, May 2018.
Stevens, Cindy (Centre for Recording Achievement (UK) at Dublin City University AAEEBL/CRA International Seminar ePortfolios & More). Poster: The Developing Role of ePortfolios within the Digital Landscape: “AePR’s Future Direction. Dublin”, Ireland, May 2018.
Stevens, Cindy, (AAEEBL World Summit). Presentation: The Executive Editorial Team Presents AePR: The Executive Team Presents a “Big Picture” Road Map (Online Journal), Portland, OR, July 2018.
Stevens, Cindy. (AAEEBL World Summit). Poster Session: The Executive Editorial Team Presents AePR: The Executive Team Presents a “Big Picture” Road Map (Online Journal), Portland, OR, July 2018.
Stevens, Cindy. (AAEEBL Annual Conference). Presentation and Poster Session: Sharing Practices and Pedagogies: The New AAEEBL ePortfolio Review Online Journal (AePR). Portland, OR 2017
Stevens, Cindy. (AAEEBL World Summit). Presentation and Poster Session: Showcasing a Class-Wide ePortfolio: A Journey of EPIC Learning. Boston, MA 2016
Stevens, Cindy. Acquiring an ePortfolio System for Wentworth Institute of Technology’s Business Management Department at Wentworth Institute of Technology. (Boston, MA July 2015) Poster and Speaker Session.
Stevens, Cindy. (Polytechnic Summit 2014) Technology Acquisition: An Externally Based Class Project Life Cycle Depiction at Wentworth Institute of Technology. (Boston, MA June 2014).
Stevens, Cindy. (AAEEBL World Summit). Evaluating Artifact Selection to Improve EPIC Initiatives at Wentworth Institute of Technology. (Boston, Ma July 2014).
Stevens, Cindy. (AAEEBL World Summit). An EPIC ePortfolio Artifact: Externally-collaborative, Project-based, Interdisciplinary Curricula. (Boston, Ma July 2014).
Stevens, Cindy. (AAEEBL World Summit). Improving Student Social Business Skill Sets Through Development of ePortfolio Net Worth. (Boston, Ma July 2013).
Stevens, Cindy. & Blaisdell, Jack. (Polytechnic Summit 2013). Lessons Learned: Teaching an Online Graduate Level Course in Business Operations at Wentworth Institute of Technology. (Boston, MA June 2013).
Stevens, Cindy. ePIC (ePortfolio and Identity Conference- 2nd World Summit). Social Capital: Determining and Student’s E-Portfolio Net Worth. (London, Summer 2012).
Stevens, Cindy. AAEEBL World Summit Conference. The Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL) Social Capital: Determining and Student’s E-Portfolio Net Worth. (Boston, Summer 2012) ePortfolios as a Catalyst for Connections: Celebrating the Curious, Creative and Capable Learner.
Stevens, Cindy. PolySummit 2012, Improving Student Social Business Skill Sets Through Development of ePortfolio Net Worth. (Atlanta, Summer 2012).
Stevens, Cindy. International, Education, and Develop Conference (INTED-2012). Social Capital: Determining and Student’s E-Portfolio Net Worth. (Spain, March 2012).
Stevens, Cindy. Sloan-C, Electronic Portfolio (EP) Development: Determining Student Motivation and Satisfaction Perception. (Florida, Fall, 2011).
Stevens, Cindy. Annual World Conference, ePortfolios & the Emergent Learning Ecology (AAEEBL). Survey results for student EP development. (Boston, Summer, 2011)
Stevens, Cindy. Annual World Conference, ePortfolios & the Emergent Learning Ecology (AAEEBL). Static Web sites versus Linkedin e-portfolios. Boston, Summer, 2010.
Stevens, Cindy. The International Conference on College Teaching and Learning. A Social Networking Project in Technology Management: Did We Learn Anything? Florida, Spring, 2010.
Burke, Mike & Stevens, Cindy. Webinar for the NorthEast Reginal Computing Program (NERCOMP). The ePortfolio Webinar: Educating the Whole Student: What's our Evidence. Spring, 2008.
Stevens, Cindy. Online Teaching Endeavors Panel Discussion. Wentworth Colloquium Presentation, Boston 2006.
Stevens, Cindy. Schellings, J., Loftus C., Fuchs, M., Greene, T. & Lazarovich, P. CMS Pilot. A Course Management System for Wentworth? Panel Discussion. Wentworth Centennial Conference, Boston. 2004.
Rosenthal, D., Seeman, E, & Stevens, C. A National ID Proposal. Synchronous Web Conference 2001.
A Virtual Online Conference using IVisit video conference software for our Ph.D. Consortium Residency Videoconference Session to debate A National ID Proposal.
Published Articles/Books
Stevens, C. "Digital Self-Identity Part B: Five Additional Skills Needed for 2025 and Beyond." AAEEBL Review (AePR) Fall/Winter Edition 2022.
Stevens, C. “Digital Self-Identity: Reflection of Top 10 Skills Needed for 2025 and Beyond.” THE AAEEBL Review (AePR), Fall/Winter 2021.
The Future of Jobs Report 2020 from the World Economic Forum lists the top 10 skills needed for 2025 and beyond, including:
• analytical thinking and innovation,
• active learning and learning strategies,
• complex problem-solving,
• critical thinking and analysis,
• creativity, originality, and initiative,
• leadership and social influence,
• technology use, monitoring and control,
• technology design and programming,
• resilience, stress tolerance, and flexibility,
• reasoning, problem-solving and ideation.
Do current Business Management undergraduate students understand these skills? In order to determine if students understand and represent each of these 10 predicted skill areas, four award-winning Wentworth Institute of Technology Business Management student ePortfolios were reviewed in order to gage reflection of each area. Digital self-identity, through a review of ePortfolios, indicates that students do not fully understand and reflect these skills. The results indicate that more work needs to occur in order to help students understand, incorporate, and achieve the necessary skills in these areas. Suggestions for our program to help students obtain and represent these skills for Business Management students will also be highlighted.
Stevens, C. “Institutional ePortfolio Implementation: A Review of Program Transformation.” The AAEEBL Review (AePR). Winter 2020.
This article presents select institutional ePortfolio implementation pathways. ePortfolio program implementation is nothing new. However, as institutions continue to develop and adopt ePortfolio programs mapping out a formula for success and exploring lessons learned will help other programs to transform their practices. A visual representation of the implementation routes of multiple programs and institutions will be presented. It seems that no matter what type of implementation pathway, similarities of the process happened, which had a direct impact on interdisciplinary approaches and learning designs. Valuable learning lessons from each program will be presented to help other institutions with their own ePortfolio process mission and goals.
Book Chapter: Batson, T., Coleman, K. S., Chen, H. L., Watson C. E., Rhodes, T. L., & Harver, A. (Eds.). (2017). Field Guide to ePortfolio. Washington, D.C.: Association of American Colleges and Universities. Chapter: Benander, R, O’Laughlin, N, Stevens, C, Zaldivar, M. Chapter 12: How Important is the Technology, August 2017
A Collaborative Project of AAEEBL, AAC&U, IJeP and EPAC AAEEBL. The Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U), The International Journal of ePortfolio (IJeP) and EPAC collaborated on a publishing the ePortfolio Field Guide.
Stevens, C. "Embodied Learning." The Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL). The Learner, Fall 2014 ed.
In the Wentworth management department we struggle with student reflection pertaining to all work and all levels from freshman to senior years. The Executive Summit workshop provided some excellent tools to consider for eportfolio reflection, as well as general student or group work learning experiences. I found myself taking as many notes at this session as possible and I was truly surprised to discover that the group workshop exercise truly worked for me. I had such a deep learning experience with the break out session that I decided to try a few ideas in my own classroom.
Stevens, C. “Thank-You, AAEEBL!” The Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL). The Learner, Summer 2014 ed.
Reflections on involvement with AAEEBL and promotion to full professor: Scholarship, Service, Teaching, and Professional Development.
Stevens, C. Stevens, C. "New Year’s Resolutions: 13 for 2013!" The Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL). The Learner, Spring 2013 ed.
BSM Student ePortfolio Resolutions. Making changes in our department regarding ePortfolio Processes.
Stevens, C. Stevens, C. "Connecting ePortfolio to Social Business" The Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL). The Learner, Winter 2012 ed.
Social business (or business social networking) has rapidly become very popular and for some organizations unmanageable.
Stevens C. & Dunlop, M.," Social Capital: Determining a Student's E-Portfolio Net Worth", Journal of Human Capital Development. Vol. 5. No. 1 (January-June 2012).
Many schools or individual departments require student e-portfolios. The e-portfolios are used for different reasons including assessment, employment, internship, and/or co-op purposes. However, getting all students to “buy- in” to the idea of developing an e-portfolio is a daunting challenge as most academic professionals are well aware. There is increasing concern on the part of the student that e-portfolios are not relevant for employment purposes. From the first year through the senior year, Bachelor of Science in Management (BSM) students at Wentworth Institute of Technology are required to compile an e-portfolio of their work in consultation with their academic advisor. Since 2007 we have been struggling with helping students develop professional looking e-portfolios. Over the years we switched from static built web sites, to LinkedIn, and now we are using WordPress. com. Student e-portfolios look much more professional since we made this switch. In many ways students are building social capital for themselves through the use of an e-portfolio. But, what exactly is the net worth of an e-portfolio for a student? Developing a professional looking e-portfolio goes well beyond building social capital for the student. We define net worth as it relates solely to e-portfolios. We also propose a methodology or model that can be used to determine the net worth of a student e-portfolio. We conclude by summarizing that the net worth of an e-portfolio can be broken down into heuristic patterns that add value for the student.
Stevens, C. ePortfolio: "What's it Worth." The Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL) The Learner, Vol. 3, No.5, (October 2012).
Developing and utilizing an eportfolio involves many skills or leads to new skill growth. Helping students understand the worth of eportfolio development is challenging. Students utilize, perfect, and increase certain skills during eportfolio development and usage. ePortfolio worth or simply, the intended outcome of eportfolio development, is for students to maximize skills, create and utilize effective networks, and increase marketability. The ability to value and to self reflect on learning has even more worth overall.
Stevens, C. "Management Students Attend the AAEEBL Conference, by Cindy Stevens, Aaron Goldblatt, and Kyle Laird, Wentworth Institute of Technology." The Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL) The Learner, Vol. 3, No.4, (August 2012).
This is the third year in a row that I was able to attend the AAEEBL ePortfolio Conference in Boston, MA. I was even more excited this year than normal, because I just returned form the ePic ePortfolio Conference in London so I was engulfed in eportfolio research, one on one discussions, table conversations, and presentations for almost two weeks! This year two of my students from Wentworth Institute of Technology’s (WIT) Management department joined me. Both students provided great insight on eportfolio development and how they plan to utilize their eportfolios for the future.
Stevens, C. ePIC (ePortfolio and Identity Conference- Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings CD). Social Capital: Determining a Student’s E-Portfolio Net Worth. (London, Summer 2012).
Should everybody have an ePortfolio? How do ePortfolios contribute to the identity construction process? How do ePortfolios support the acquisition of 21st century skills? How do ePortfolios support lifelong learning, orientation and employability?
Stevens, C. The Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL) The Learner, "The Management Department at Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston, MA Acknowledges ePortfolio Competition Prize Winners." Vol. 3, No. 3, (June 2012).
For the past three years, students at Wentworth Institute of Technology, Boston, MA in the Management department, have competed for prizes for the top four ePortfolios. When the ePortfolio requirement was put into place during 2008 there seemed to be something lacking in motivation from the students for the first few years. As a department, it was decided to find ways to motivate students during ePortfolio development and the faculty came up with several options, such as a grading rubric, peer review, and four gift card prizes for the top four ePortfolios. Showcased below are our top ePortfolio winners for the senior graduating class of August 2012.
Stevens, C. "ePortfolio Initiatives: Out With The Old And In With The New." The Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL) The Learner, Vol.3, No.3, (June 2012)
I created my first ePortfolio using FrontPage (when FrontPage still existed) and published it to a server. Even though FrontPage was an editor, it was still a lot of work. That was about four years ago and about forty hours worth of work effort total. I spent more time trying to get links to work, upload artifacts to link, and worrying about design. That meant the content area took a back seat. I created my new ePortfolio using Weebly (http:// a few months ago. It took me three hours. I had a lot more fun and felt like I knew what I was doing this time around.
Stevens, C. International, Education, and Develop Conference (INTED-2012 Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings CD). Social Capital: Determining a Student’s E-Portfolio Net Worth. (Spain, March 2012).
Defining net capital worth as it relates solely to e-portfolios. A model is proposed that can be used to determine the net worth of a student e-portfolio. The net worth of an e-portfolio can be broken down into heuristic patterns that add value for the student.
Stevens, C. Annual World Conference, ePortfolios & the Emergent Learning Ecology (The Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings CD). Survey results for student EP development. (Boston, Summer, 2011)
Stevens, C. Enterprise Resource Planning: A Trio of Resources, Information Systems Management Journal, Vol. 20, (2003).
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems offer a better way to help manage and improve plant and business processes. As processing plants turn increasingly to ERP to run operations, they must use a trio of technology resources to control ERP systems. This trio of resources— standards, ERP software such as SAP, and middleware or third party software—is integrating the plant floor to the business office to make ERP a success.
Peer Reviewed Text Books
Stevens, C. Exploring Microsoft Publisher 2007, 1/e, New Jersey, Prentice Hall: 2008.
Stevens, C. Exploring Microsoft Publisher 2003, 1/e, New Jersey, Prentice Hall: 2004.
Stevens, C. Exploring Microsoft Office Publisher 2003 Brief, (out of print) 1/e, New Jersey, Prentice Hall: 2004.
Stevens, C. Getting Started with Publisher 2002, 1/e, New Jersey, Prentice Hall: 2002.
Stevens, C. Getting Started with Publisher 2000, (out of print) 1/e, New Jersey, Prentice Hall: 2000.
Peer Reviewed Instructor Resource Manuals
Stevens, C., Exploring Microsoft Word. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, (2000, 2002, XP, and 2003).
Stevens, C., Exploring Microsoft PowerPoint 2002. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, (2000, 2002, XP, and 2003).
Stevens, C., Exploring Microsoft Office Volume I. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, (2000, 2002, XP, and 2003).
Stevens, C., Exploring Microsoft Office Volume II. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, (2000, 2002, XP, and 2003).
Stevens, C., Exploring the Internet with Microsoft Internet Explorer/Netscape. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, (2000, 2002, XP, and 2003).
Stevens, C., Getting Started: Computer Concepts. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, (2000, 2002, XP, and 2003).
**Copies available for review
Peer Reviewed Web-Based Materials
Stevens, C., Online Interactive Study Guide Companion Web Site: Exploring Microsoft Word. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, (2000, 2002, XP, and 2003).
Stevens, C., Online Interactive Study Guide Companion Web Site: Exploring Microsoft PowerPoint. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, (2000, 2002, XP, and 2003).
Stevens, C., Online Interactive Study Guide Companion Web Site: Exploring Microsoft Getting Started: Computer Concepts. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, (2000, 2002, XP, and 2003).
Stevens, C., Online Interactive Study Guide Companion Web Site: Exploring Microsoft Office Volume I. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, (2000, 2002, XP, and 2003).
Stevens, C., Online Interactive Study Guide Companion Web Site: Exploring Microsoft Office Volume II. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, (2000, 2002, XP, and 2003).
Stevens, C., Online Interactive Study Guide Companion Web Site: Exploring the Internet with Microsoft Internet Explorer. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, (2000, 2002, XP, and 2003).
**Copies available for review
Feller M., & Stevens C (Collaborator). A Proposal for On-line and Interactive Learning in the Master of Science for Management of Technology Program, March 2001.
Stevens, C. Grant letter proposal to Dr. Christopher D. Ingersoll School of Graduate Studies to request funds for dissertation research expenses, 2001.
Honor Societies
High Scholastic Achievement Award, Sigma Beta Delta: International Honor Society in Business, Management, and Administration, 2004.
Stevens, Cindy. (5th International Conference on Innovative Research in Education in Amsterdam, Netherlands). Digital Self-Identity Part B: Five Additional Skills Needed for 2025 and Beyond. Conference Presentation, November 2022.
Stevens, Cindy, and Reynolds Candyce (AAEEBL Conference). Writing and Publishing about ePortfolios: Opportunities and Possibilities Ignite Session. Conference Presentation, July 2022.
Stevens, Cindy (AAEEBL World Summit). Digital Self-Identity: Reflection of Top 10 Skills Needed for 2025 and Beyond. Conference Presentation, July 2022. (Invite to present again at an ignite session).
Stevens, Cindy (AAEEBL World Summit). Digital Self-Identity: Reflection of Top 10 Skills Needed for 2025 and Beyond. Conference Presentation, July 2021.
Stevens, Cindy (AAEEBL World Summit). The AAEEBL Portfolio Review: A different Path to Publishing. Presentation. AAEEBL's Digital Conference, July 2020.
Stevens, Cindy (AAEEBL World Summit). Paper Presentation: Institutional ePortfolio Implementation: A showcase of Program Transformation, Bronx, NYC, July 2019.
Stevens, Cindy (AAEEBL World Summit). Poster Presentation: Institutional ePortfolio Implementation: A showcase of Program Transformation, Bronx, NYC, July 2019.
Stevens, Cindy (AAEEBL Conference). AePR: Showcasing Our Authoring and Mentorship Process (Workshop Session), Bronx, NYC, July 2019.
Stevens, Cindy (AAEEBL Conference). AePR: Showcasing Our Authoring and Mentorship Process (Poster Session), Bronx, NYC, July 2019.
Stevens, Cindy (Centre for Recording Achievement (UK) at Dublin City University AAEEBL/CRA International Seminar ePortfolios & More). Presentation: The Developing Role of ePortfolios within the Digital Landscape: “AePR’s Future Direction. Dublin”, Ireland, May 2018.
Stevens, Cindy (Centre for Recording Achievement (UK) at Dublin City University AAEEBL/CRA International Seminar ePortfolios & More). Poster: The Developing Role of ePortfolios within the Digital Landscape: “AePR’s Future Direction. Dublin”, Ireland, May 2018.
Stevens, Cindy, (AAEEBL World Summit). Presentation: The Executive Editorial Team Presents AePR: The Executive Team Presents a “Big Picture” Road Map (Online Journal), Portland, OR, July 2018.
Stevens, Cindy. (AAEEBL World Summit). Poster Session: The Executive Editorial Team Presents AePR: The Executive Team Presents a “Big Picture” Road Map (Online Journal), Portland, OR, July 2018.
Stevens, Cindy. (AAEEBL Annual Conference). Presentation and Poster Session: Sharing Practices and Pedagogies: The New AAEEBL ePortfolio Review Online Journal (AePR). Portland, OR 2017
Stevens, Cindy. (AAEEBL World Summit). Presentation and Poster Session: Showcasing a Class-Wide ePortfolio: A Journey of EPIC Learning. Boston, MA 2016
Stevens, Cindy. Acquiring an ePortfolio System for Wentworth Institute of Technology’s Business Management Department at Wentworth Institute of Technology. (Boston, MA July 2015) Poster and Speaker Session.
Stevens, Cindy. (Polytechnic Summit 2014) Technology Acquisition: An Externally Based Class Project Life Cycle Depiction at Wentworth Institute of Technology. (Boston, MA June 2014).
Stevens, Cindy. (AAEEBL World Summit). Evaluating Artifact Selection to Improve EPIC Initiatives at Wentworth Institute of Technology. (Boston, Ma July 2014).
Stevens, Cindy. (AAEEBL World Summit). An EPIC ePortfolio Artifact: Externally-collaborative, Project-based, Interdisciplinary Curricula. (Boston, Ma July 2014).
Stevens, Cindy. (AAEEBL World Summit). Improving Student Social Business Skill Sets Through Development of ePortfolio Net Worth. (Boston, Ma July 2013).
Stevens, Cindy. & Blaisdell, Jack. (Polytechnic Summit 2013). Lessons Learned: Teaching an Online Graduate Level Course in Business Operations at Wentworth Institute of Technology. (Boston, MA June 2013).
Stevens, Cindy. ePIC (ePortfolio and Identity Conference- 2nd World Summit). Social Capital: Determining and Student’s E-Portfolio Net Worth. (London, Summer 2012).
Stevens, Cindy. AAEEBL World Summit Conference. The Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL) Social Capital: Determining and Student’s E-Portfolio Net Worth. (Boston, Summer 2012) ePortfolios as a Catalyst for Connections: Celebrating the Curious, Creative and Capable Learner.
Stevens, Cindy. PolySummit 2012, Improving Student Social Business Skill Sets Through Development of ePortfolio Net Worth. (Atlanta, Summer 2012).
Stevens, Cindy. International, Education, and Develop Conference (INTED-2012). Social Capital: Determining and Student’s E-Portfolio Net Worth. (Spain, March 2012).
Stevens, Cindy. Sloan-C, Electronic Portfolio (EP) Development: Determining Student Motivation and Satisfaction Perception. (Florida, Fall, 2011).
Stevens, Cindy. Annual World Conference, ePortfolios & the Emergent Learning Ecology (AAEEBL). Survey results for student EP development. (Boston, Summer, 2011)
Stevens, Cindy. Annual World Conference, ePortfolios & the Emergent Learning Ecology (AAEEBL). Static Web sites versus Linkedin e-portfolios. Boston, Summer, 2010.
Stevens, Cindy. The International Conference on College Teaching and Learning. A Social Networking Project in Technology Management: Did We Learn Anything? Florida, Spring, 2010.
Burke, Mike & Stevens, Cindy. Webinar for the NorthEast Reginal Computing Program (NERCOMP). The ePortfolio Webinar: Educating the Whole Student: What's our Evidence. Spring, 2008.
Stevens, Cindy. Online Teaching Endeavors Panel Discussion. Wentworth Colloquium Presentation, Boston 2006.
Stevens, Cindy. Schellings, J., Loftus C., Fuchs, M., Greene, T. & Lazarovich, P. CMS Pilot. A Course Management System for Wentworth? Panel Discussion. Wentworth Centennial Conference, Boston. 2004.
Rosenthal, D., Seeman, E, & Stevens, C. A National ID Proposal. Synchronous Web Conference 2001.
A Virtual Online Conference using IVisit video conference software for our Ph.D. Consortium Residency Videoconference Session to debate A National ID Proposal.
Published Articles/Books
Stevens, C. "Digital Self-Identity Part B: Five Additional Skills Needed for 2025 and Beyond." AAEEBL Review (AePR) Fall/Winter Edition 2022.
Stevens, C. “Digital Self-Identity: Reflection of Top 10 Skills Needed for 2025 and Beyond.” THE AAEEBL Review (AePR), Fall/Winter 2021.
The Future of Jobs Report 2020 from the World Economic Forum lists the top 10 skills needed for 2025 and beyond, including:
• analytical thinking and innovation,
• active learning and learning strategies,
• complex problem-solving,
• critical thinking and analysis,
• creativity, originality, and initiative,
• leadership and social influence,
• technology use, monitoring and control,
• technology design and programming,
• resilience, stress tolerance, and flexibility,
• reasoning, problem-solving and ideation.
Do current Business Management undergraduate students understand these skills? In order to determine if students understand and represent each of these 10 predicted skill areas, four award-winning Wentworth Institute of Technology Business Management student ePortfolios were reviewed in order to gage reflection of each area. Digital self-identity, through a review of ePortfolios, indicates that students do not fully understand and reflect these skills. The results indicate that more work needs to occur in order to help students understand, incorporate, and achieve the necessary skills in these areas. Suggestions for our program to help students obtain and represent these skills for Business Management students will also be highlighted.
Stevens, C. “Institutional ePortfolio Implementation: A Review of Program Transformation.” The AAEEBL Review (AePR). Winter 2020.
This article presents select institutional ePortfolio implementation pathways. ePortfolio program implementation is nothing new. However, as institutions continue to develop and adopt ePortfolio programs mapping out a formula for success and exploring lessons learned will help other programs to transform their practices. A visual representation of the implementation routes of multiple programs and institutions will be presented. It seems that no matter what type of implementation pathway, similarities of the process happened, which had a direct impact on interdisciplinary approaches and learning designs. Valuable learning lessons from each program will be presented to help other institutions with their own ePortfolio process mission and goals.
Book Chapter: Batson, T., Coleman, K. S., Chen, H. L., Watson C. E., Rhodes, T. L., & Harver, A. (Eds.). (2017). Field Guide to ePortfolio. Washington, D.C.: Association of American Colleges and Universities. Chapter: Benander, R, O’Laughlin, N, Stevens, C, Zaldivar, M. Chapter 12: How Important is the Technology, August 2017
A Collaborative Project of AAEEBL, AAC&U, IJeP and EPAC AAEEBL. The Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U), The International Journal of ePortfolio (IJeP) and EPAC collaborated on a publishing the ePortfolio Field Guide.
Stevens, C. "Embodied Learning." The Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL). The Learner, Fall 2014 ed.
In the Wentworth management department we struggle with student reflection pertaining to all work and all levels from freshman to senior years. The Executive Summit workshop provided some excellent tools to consider for eportfolio reflection, as well as general student or group work learning experiences. I found myself taking as many notes at this session as possible and I was truly surprised to discover that the group workshop exercise truly worked for me. I had such a deep learning experience with the break out session that I decided to try a few ideas in my own classroom.
Stevens, C. “Thank-You, AAEEBL!” The Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL). The Learner, Summer 2014 ed.
Reflections on involvement with AAEEBL and promotion to full professor: Scholarship, Service, Teaching, and Professional Development.
Stevens, C. Stevens, C. "New Year’s Resolutions: 13 for 2013!" The Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL). The Learner, Spring 2013 ed.
BSM Student ePortfolio Resolutions. Making changes in our department regarding ePortfolio Processes.
Stevens, C. Stevens, C. "Connecting ePortfolio to Social Business" The Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL). The Learner, Winter 2012 ed.
Social business (or business social networking) has rapidly become very popular and for some organizations unmanageable.
Stevens C. & Dunlop, M.," Social Capital: Determining a Student's E-Portfolio Net Worth", Journal of Human Capital Development. Vol. 5. No. 1 (January-June 2012).
Many schools or individual departments require student e-portfolios. The e-portfolios are used for different reasons including assessment, employment, internship, and/or co-op purposes. However, getting all students to “buy- in” to the idea of developing an e-portfolio is a daunting challenge as most academic professionals are well aware. There is increasing concern on the part of the student that e-portfolios are not relevant for employment purposes. From the first year through the senior year, Bachelor of Science in Management (BSM) students at Wentworth Institute of Technology are required to compile an e-portfolio of their work in consultation with their academic advisor. Since 2007 we have been struggling with helping students develop professional looking e-portfolios. Over the years we switched from static built web sites, to LinkedIn, and now we are using WordPress. com. Student e-portfolios look much more professional since we made this switch. In many ways students are building social capital for themselves through the use of an e-portfolio. But, what exactly is the net worth of an e-portfolio for a student? Developing a professional looking e-portfolio goes well beyond building social capital for the student. We define net worth as it relates solely to e-portfolios. We also propose a methodology or model that can be used to determine the net worth of a student e-portfolio. We conclude by summarizing that the net worth of an e-portfolio can be broken down into heuristic patterns that add value for the student.
Stevens, C. ePortfolio: "What's it Worth." The Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL) The Learner, Vol. 3, No.5, (October 2012).
Developing and utilizing an eportfolio involves many skills or leads to new skill growth. Helping students understand the worth of eportfolio development is challenging. Students utilize, perfect, and increase certain skills during eportfolio development and usage. ePortfolio worth or simply, the intended outcome of eportfolio development, is for students to maximize skills, create and utilize effective networks, and increase marketability. The ability to value and to self reflect on learning has even more worth overall.
Stevens, C. "Management Students Attend the AAEEBL Conference, by Cindy Stevens, Aaron Goldblatt, and Kyle Laird, Wentworth Institute of Technology." The Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL) The Learner, Vol. 3, No.4, (August 2012).
This is the third year in a row that I was able to attend the AAEEBL ePortfolio Conference in Boston, MA. I was even more excited this year than normal, because I just returned form the ePic ePortfolio Conference in London so I was engulfed in eportfolio research, one on one discussions, table conversations, and presentations for almost two weeks! This year two of my students from Wentworth Institute of Technology’s (WIT) Management department joined me. Both students provided great insight on eportfolio development and how they plan to utilize their eportfolios for the future.
Stevens, C. ePIC (ePortfolio and Identity Conference- Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings CD). Social Capital: Determining a Student’s E-Portfolio Net Worth. (London, Summer 2012).
Should everybody have an ePortfolio? How do ePortfolios contribute to the identity construction process? How do ePortfolios support the acquisition of 21st century skills? How do ePortfolios support lifelong learning, orientation and employability?
Stevens, C. The Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL) The Learner, "The Management Department at Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston, MA Acknowledges ePortfolio Competition Prize Winners." Vol. 3, No. 3, (June 2012).
For the past three years, students at Wentworth Institute of Technology, Boston, MA in the Management department, have competed for prizes for the top four ePortfolios. When the ePortfolio requirement was put into place during 2008 there seemed to be something lacking in motivation from the students for the first few years. As a department, it was decided to find ways to motivate students during ePortfolio development and the faculty came up with several options, such as a grading rubric, peer review, and four gift card prizes for the top four ePortfolios. Showcased below are our top ePortfolio winners for the senior graduating class of August 2012.
Stevens, C. "ePortfolio Initiatives: Out With The Old And In With The New." The Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL) The Learner, Vol.3, No.3, (June 2012)
I created my first ePortfolio using FrontPage (when FrontPage still existed) and published it to a server. Even though FrontPage was an editor, it was still a lot of work. That was about four years ago and about forty hours worth of work effort total. I spent more time trying to get links to work, upload artifacts to link, and worrying about design. That meant the content area took a back seat. I created my new ePortfolio using Weebly (http:// a few months ago. It took me three hours. I had a lot more fun and felt like I knew what I was doing this time around.
Stevens, C. International, Education, and Develop Conference (INTED-2012 Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings CD). Social Capital: Determining a Student’s E-Portfolio Net Worth. (Spain, March 2012).
Defining net capital worth as it relates solely to e-portfolios. A model is proposed that can be used to determine the net worth of a student e-portfolio. The net worth of an e-portfolio can be broken down into heuristic patterns that add value for the student.
Stevens, C. Annual World Conference, ePortfolios & the Emergent Learning Ecology (The Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings CD). Survey results for student EP development. (Boston, Summer, 2011)
Stevens, C. Enterprise Resource Planning: A Trio of Resources, Information Systems Management Journal, Vol. 20, (2003).
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems offer a better way to help manage and improve plant and business processes. As processing plants turn increasingly to ERP to run operations, they must use a trio of technology resources to control ERP systems. This trio of resources— standards, ERP software such as SAP, and middleware or third party software—is integrating the plant floor to the business office to make ERP a success.
Peer Reviewed Text Books
Stevens, C. Exploring Microsoft Publisher 2007, 1/e, New Jersey, Prentice Hall: 2008.
Stevens, C. Exploring Microsoft Publisher 2003, 1/e, New Jersey, Prentice Hall: 2004.
Stevens, C. Exploring Microsoft Office Publisher 2003 Brief, (out of print) 1/e, New Jersey, Prentice Hall: 2004.
Stevens, C. Getting Started with Publisher 2002, 1/e, New Jersey, Prentice Hall: 2002.
Stevens, C. Getting Started with Publisher 2000, (out of print) 1/e, New Jersey, Prentice Hall: 2000.
Peer Reviewed Instructor Resource Manuals
Stevens, C., Exploring Microsoft Word. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, (2000, 2002, XP, and 2003).
Stevens, C., Exploring Microsoft PowerPoint 2002. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, (2000, 2002, XP, and 2003).
Stevens, C., Exploring Microsoft Office Volume I. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, (2000, 2002, XP, and 2003).
Stevens, C., Exploring Microsoft Office Volume II. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, (2000, 2002, XP, and 2003).
Stevens, C., Exploring the Internet with Microsoft Internet Explorer/Netscape. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, (2000, 2002, XP, and 2003).
Stevens, C., Getting Started: Computer Concepts. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, (2000, 2002, XP, and 2003).
**Copies available for review
Peer Reviewed Web-Based Materials
Stevens, C., Online Interactive Study Guide Companion Web Site: Exploring Microsoft Word. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, (2000, 2002, XP, and 2003).
Stevens, C., Online Interactive Study Guide Companion Web Site: Exploring Microsoft PowerPoint. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, (2000, 2002, XP, and 2003).
Stevens, C., Online Interactive Study Guide Companion Web Site: Exploring Microsoft Getting Started: Computer Concepts. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, (2000, 2002, XP, and 2003).
Stevens, C., Online Interactive Study Guide Companion Web Site: Exploring Microsoft Office Volume I. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, (2000, 2002, XP, and 2003).
Stevens, C., Online Interactive Study Guide Companion Web Site: Exploring Microsoft Office Volume II. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, (2000, 2002, XP, and 2003).
Stevens, C., Online Interactive Study Guide Companion Web Site: Exploring the Internet with Microsoft Internet Explorer. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, (2000, 2002, XP, and 2003).
**Copies available for review
Feller M., & Stevens C (Collaborator). A Proposal for On-line and Interactive Learning in the Master of Science for Management of Technology Program, March 2001.
Stevens, C. Grant letter proposal to Dr. Christopher D. Ingersoll School of Graduate Studies to request funds for dissertation research expenses, 2001.
Honor Societies
High Scholastic Achievement Award, Sigma Beta Delta: International Honor Society in Business, Management, and Administration, 2004.